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Complete Murder Mystery Scripts & Quizzes for Fundraising,
Drama Groups or Dinner Parties, But Always for Fun!

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Blame it on the Black and Decker Round 1

Scene 1 :

Stage set up as someone's lounge. There needs to be some form of cabinet / dresser / bookcase where a small, hidden, locked cupboard can be found - OFFSTAGE Everyone present and on stage - milling around, loud talking and drinking tea / alcohol. ay is sitting in a chair, upset and head in hands, Hetty is calmly knitting, Grandma is in the thick of things Noise too loud to be heard over Evie holds her hands up for silence and tries to make herself heard over the noise. Eventually it works, group breaks up and into the silence comes Grandma's loud voice.

Evie :

Quiet, everyone - Quiet !!!!!!

Grandma :

Well, all I'm saying is that what we found in the utility room wasn't an ironing board !

Jay lets out a loud groan and puts head in hands again.

Megan :

(crossing herself) Really, that's no way to speak of the dead !

Evie :

(hisses right in Grandma's face)andYou may be my grandmother but I swear to god you are trying my patience ! If you don't stop interfering I'll arrest you for obstruction !


Why are you talking to me like that ?and It's not my fault. Evie - you're the Detective - do your job

Evie :

Can anyone tell me what's been going on ?

Alicia :

Well, we were all here to attend a Neighbourhood Watch meeting on Self Defence and we were going to have a guest speaker


My Grand-daughter, the Detective

Megan :

Shut up and let Alicia explain will you ?

Hetty :

(wagging knitting needles at her)and That's no way to talk to an old woman - have some respect. She could be dead soon, just like poor old Sarah.

Evie :

(with a stern glance at Grandma )and That could be sooner than she thinks. Oh, carry on, someone, PLEASE !

Bill :

Well, we all arrived on time but there was no-one here and so some of us waited here while the others had a look round.

Bob :

Yep - and then Bill and I went into the utility room and we found...

Grandma :

As I said, it wasn't an ironing board ! (everyone stares at her)

Hetty :

And then Jay arrived back home and we had to tell him what had happened. He's ever so upset.

Alicia :

(dryly)Well, he would be. It's not every day your wife gets murdered

Megan :

If you ask me, it's judgement

Jay :

What do you mean ?

Megan :

If Sarah hadn't left Bob to go live with Jay here, then it wouldn't have happened at all.

Jay :

That's not very tolerant of you Megan

Megan :

People these days have no respect for the sanctity of marriage, the holiness of wedding vows, no self controland at all

Bill :

(mutters)and If I were married to her, I'd have no self controland either

Bob :

(mutters back)and I wouldn't marry her in the first place A man would have to be barking. To err is human, to forgive is not her policy

Grandma :

(ignoring her completely)I guess living together'sand the modern way of doing things. I don't see anything wrong with it myself. If I wanted to live a man I'd just go ahead and do it. What's a silly piece of paper mean anyway?

Evie :

(muttering)Oh my god !

Grandma :

Not that I'm only interested in a man for his thing. It's just that Eddie and me only had a physical attraction. When it came to talking we didn't have much to say. (brightly as idea occurs)And if you ask me, Evie, I believe we've found a motive - Bob was never the same after Sarah left him to go live with Jay. I bet you they had a real big fight and he bopped her one on the head.

Bob :

(most indignantly)I most certainly did not !

Evie :

That's not how Sarah died. (puts notebook down. Grandma picks up notebook and starts to read it, her eyes popping open wider with excitement.)Now let's go through why everyone's here and you can all tell me who you are. (Evie spots her looking at the book and tries to wrestle it free, but Grandma evades her efforts)

Grandma :

Well, look here. It says here in your notes that Sarah was shot with a single bullet to the centre of the forehead. And then afterwards she was sawn in half like some mad magician's act and then brought back here, put back together and left in the utility room. Simple !and All we gottaand do is find out who owns a power tool and there's your murderer !

Evie :

andWill you put that down !!!!!! It's police property. (moves towards Grandma to get the notebook back, but Grandma moves out of the way. During the next speech, Grandma and Evie move about the room, each trying to get the notebook)

End of Round 1